What to do during Quarantine?

Not a lot, is the answer to your impending question.

I mean, how many times can you read the same books, reorganize the same shelf and sit in front of your computer hoping that inspiration will strike.
I feel like I have literally nothing to do but read and no matter how much I love it there comes a time where I start seeing words everywhere.

Here are some obvious and not so obvious things to do during Quarantine:

1. Watch TV!

Netflix has become my best friend since lock down, and for once I have no idea what to watch. I have taken to re-watching some of my favourite series from over the years. Here are some that I am watching:

Once Upon a Time 
If you hadn't guessed already, I'm a mad fantasy fan and to me OUaT always summed up being a fantasy lover. The stories you know and love are real, but the fairy tale creatures are trapped in a place without time until the saviour can break them free of the curse. I think this series is amazing and its been so exciting to go back and visit.

Merlin is like Reign but follows Merlin during King Arthur's reign over Camelot. This series gave me the foundations of knowledge for when I read Kirsten White's The Guinevere Deception and I think its really interesting seeing the legends being placed in context.

Grey's Anatomy
Grey's is a Medical Drama, that follows around the life of Dr Meredith Grey during her intern and residency years and there after. Its brilliant fun because there is always something major happening. Its about to make its way into a 17th season and you just find yourself getting attached to so many characters.

2. Fixing Candles 
This is such a unique one. I have soooo many candles that need fixing so that I can continue using them. As I am such a big candle user this always gets exciting because I have so many lined to to fix.

How to fix Candles:
Note: You need to buy special wicks of something like Amazon

First, heat a pan 1/4 filled with water to boiling.
Then place the candle in its car into the pan. This melts the wax and helps to reshape it. You know when the wax is fully melted because it become clear and you can see the bottom of the jar.
Carefully, you want to take the jar out of the pan and place on a heat proof mat.
You can make a decision whether you want to leave the previous wick in or not. I do so that eventually I will be able to use both wicks to help burn the candle.
Place the new wick into the Jar and hold in place with a toothpick (if you have a bigger jar you need something bigger)
Leave to Dry!

Its brilliant fun as you do it because you get to see the wax melting. I think its entertaining but I might have been in lockdown for to long by this rate.

3. Re-organised Shelves

You know that rainbow shelf that you see on Instagram; the ones that look amazing and you really want to try. Well now is your time to try it. Try something completely new.
Draw up your inspiration from pinterest: that place is inspiration goals if you are ever stuck its amazing.
Blast your favourite tunes in the room and take your time, the longer you take the less bored you get.


I don't know about you guys but I have so many photos I honestly don't know where to put them. I think it is time for a massive sort out of my photos as well as shelves.
I brought a whole load of photo albums of amazon and have placed my photos into them in chronological order. or as chronological as one can get.
There were so many without dates that I forgot when they were taken.

I have done this with both my Polaroids and my normal photos. It was so theraputic and such a trip down memory lane.
By using FreePrints I have ordered so many more and am looking forward to doing it again for the more recent photos.

5. Sunbathing (if the weather is nice)
That is one thing I am SO grateful for. The weather has been beautiful while on the lock down, at least by me anyway, so I have spent as much of it as I can out side. Whether I am sunbathing or playing with the Dogs or helping out in the garden Its so lovely for a change of scenery.

With three of us girls in the house, every spare moment we get we have had sunbathing sessions in the garden and topping up those tans. I find that this is a brilliant way to move away from reading books and listen to them instead.

Audible has been amazing in this respect. I have been reading a lot more that I would because everything I do can be accompanied with a audio book.

6. Family Tree
This has been one of the most interesting weeks of my life. I have been researching my family tree and have found some amazing stories. Having these stories in my own family have been brilliant and so inspiring.

I have been using Ancestry in order to find them and it has been one of the most beneficial things I have ever done. It encourages me to keep going and find more family member. Although I am convinced that my ancestors are haunting me! Great-Aunt Bessie is that you?

Some of these ideas are a bit wackier than other blogs might suggest, but the truth is to keep you busy is to do something different each day and have something that will want you to get out of bed. if that is what you have been doing then mix it up a bit. Have a day baking or knitting or re-organisation. It just keeps things fresh.
What have you been doing to keep busy?

Hope you are all safe



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