Bookish Boyfriends

Who do you want to be stuck in Quarantine with?

So, that is the question of the century, would it be Kaz or Rowan, Draco or Hunt? This needs some serious thought! So I thought I would bring you: my bookish boyfriends (or the ones that I would definitely quarantine with).

Honorable Mentions include:
Hunt Athalar
Dextro Arez
Jacob Portman

UNFORTUNATELY, they did not make into my top five but to me they are definatly worth mentioning. to me each of they have an amazing qualitly that I love.

Is it to soon to say I live in a fantasy world.


Prince Maxon from the Selection series is one of the kindest souls that I have ever encountered. He is so gentle and patient with America. His love of photography is amazing and I really hope that he would be patient if he ever tried to teach me.

During the Selection, he is trying to find a wife out of the 35 girls that have been selected in a futuristic version of what used to be the US. He goes about it with kindness and love and I am positive that he does not have a bad bone in his body.

As you can tell, I am Team Maxon all the way! What is your team if you have read Kiera Cass's Series.


There is nothing like a classic bad boy. To me Draco has always been one of them. I see him as seriously misunderstood. He may whine A LOT! but there are decent qualities about him. He sees his mistakes and seeks to rectify them. I love that. I would definitely give him a second chance. Plus he is apart of my house so what can I say the love for this Slytherin Prince goes far. 

Also, during quarantine that magic will come in handy. I don't know about you, but my room is a mess and I know that with a flick of his wand he would be able to find everything that I have lost. It will be brilliant. Aren't there times where you just wish that you were a wizard or witch. 

Plus we all know that Harry only hates him because he love him, right? 

3. CORIAN   

How many of you have read Clare Legrand's Furyborn series. You dont truly see Corian until the second book, but his haunting voice travel both myself and Rielle around. 

I think that this series is under rates. Corian believes what he is doing is for the good of his people but he can see that its damaging to everyone else. He has this alluring quality. YES PLEASE! plus I think there is always some bonus to having an angel around.

I'm not going to say much more.


I don't even know where to start with Will Herondale. This spot was a toss up between him and Dorian Havillard. I know that if I was stuck with a fictional character, I would ant one that read.  I would love to have someone to gush about all the books I am reading. or Even read them with me. 

Will would also go to the ends of the earth for you. I feel like he would only get angry if there was a duck around or if you bent a book page. (Hello, though so would I. Don't damage my books!) Luckily in my household there's none of that. 



The High Lord of the Night Court everyone!

I like to think that I was one of the first people to fall in love with Rhys way back in ACOTAR. He is just amazing. there are no words to describe how much I love this male.

If I could complile a list of the reasons it would be:
The High Lord of the Night Court is beautiful.
The High Lord of the Night Court is wicked
The High Lord of the Nigh Court is clever

Need I say any more?

So that is my bookish boyfriends! What are yours, who would you spend quarantine with. I would like to say that none of these pictures are mine! most of them are my favourite pieces of fan art founded on pintrest. That is how I am sadly spending my time: Scrolling though pintrest looking at my bookish boyfriends and girlfriends.

Enjoy this week



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