New Year New Books!

 A very Happy Belated New Year! 

Sorry for the late message but sadly covid has put a holt to somethings in my life at the moment but I am back! So I thought I would bring you my most Ancipated Books this year (even if some of them have already come out!). The books list below are the ones I am excited for! I understand there are more books coming out this year.

Lets start with January....

 A VOW SO BOLD AND DEADLY by Brigd Kemmer 

yes this book has already come out and yes it is BLUMMMING amazing. It was worth the wait let me put it that way. A Vow so Bold and Deadly is the third and final book in the Cursebreakers Trilogy witten by Brigd Kemmer. It was released on 26th January 2021. The series follows Harper, a girl from Washington DC, and she gets taken into Emberfall, a world away from her own, and she become their single last hope to break the curse held over thier Prince Rehn.

The series is a MUST READ and is a beautiful Beauty and the Best retelling. would highly recomend pricking up A Curse so Dark and Lonely asap.

February, next....


Is there a better year that one that STARTS with a Sarah J Maas book and better yet this book follows Nesta and Cassian in the world of Illrylian Warriors and beautiful high fae males. The novel is the fouth book in the ACOTAR series but we get to see a world from a new set of eyes: Nesta's. I am so excieted to be back in Prythian and if I hadn't ordered my copy to my family home I would be reading it right now! A Court of Silver Flames follows Nesta after the events in A Court of Frost and Starlight and it came out on 16th February 2021. 

AND that dedication killed me. (I'm just going to leave that there). 

The third month of the year: March... and WOW there are a couple this month (RIP my bank account). 

CHAIN OF IRON by Cassandra Clare 

Chain of Iron is the second novel in the Last Hours series and follows on from Chain of Gold. It comes out on 2nd March 2021 follows Lucie and James Herondale, Cordelia Carastsis and the Merry Theives in the next adventure in the Shadow World. I love Chain of Gold and am really excited to see what going to happen next. ALSO, look at that art work on the cover, it just too beautiful for my eyes. 

if you haven't read anything from the Shadow World I think you have been living under a rock. This is a must read for any hard core fantasy fan. 

NAMESAKE by Aridenne Young 

Namesake is the finale novel in Fable Duology. Th novel comes out on the 16th March 2021. Fable is a story a abandoned daughter who is in search of her father. Fable came to me through a book subcriotion box and the artwork on the over is absultly beautiful. I can wait to see what is going to follows that SHOCKING ending. 

RULE OF WOLVES  by Leigh Bardugo 

With the GrishaVerse expanding it is only fair that we get another book to feast our knowlage onto and Leigh Bardougo has done exactly that. Rule of Wolves is the conlusion in the King of Scars Duology and I am excited to delve back into the world. The date for this brillance to be in out hands is 30th March 2021. The Duology follows Nikolai Lantsov after the events of Shadow and Bone Series. 

Shadow and Bone hits NETFLIX on 21st April 2021 with such an amzing cast!

April comes next...

THE CROWN OF GILDED BONES by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Crown of Gilded Bones is the conclusion to the Blood and Ash Trilogy and has become the latest phonomenia and BOY is it worth it. So, it is only fair that come 20th April 2021 I am going to be silent for days at an end. it follows Poppy, a maiden, who kingdom rests on her ascention and eventually she her castity becomes tempted. I am so excited to read this conclusion and whats even better is the Audiobooks are amazing.

May, May, May...

REALM BREAKER by Victoria Aveyard 

The person who brought us the Red Queen Series is bringing us another fantasny series. Victoria Aveyard is relasing Realm Breaker on 4th May 2021 and I am excited. Realm Braker follows Corayne who could be the last to save her country after all the heroes have failed. Corayne joins with a group of unlikely friends to save the place she loves.

Its like a mix of THONE OF GLASS and SIX OF CROWS! What a good combo. 

Now I'm skipping a few months to ... November

OUR VIOLENT ENDS by Chloe Gong (16/11.2021)

You have head of Romeo and Juliet but have you hear of Roma and Juliette. Chloe Gong has written the tale of Romeo and Juliet with a twist and Our Violent Ends is the conclusion to the These Violent Delights Duology. It is set to hit shelves on 16th November 2021. The best part about this is the modern day retelling set in 1920s Shanghai and it is amazingly done. I am excited to see what is going to happen come this very much anticipated conclusion. 

and finally, the christmas season, December...

THE EXCALIBUR CURSE by Kiersten White 

Being a fan of history there was no doubt in my mind I had to pick up Kiersten White's King Arthur Reteling back in 2019 and now we are at the year of its conclusion. The Excalibur Curse is going to hit hearts on 7th December 2021 and I am PUMPED. I am not ready this. Back with my favourite character Mordred, Guieneve and Lancelot. 

The cover had yet to be realeased but I will keep you posted.

So these are just some of the books that are going to be released this year and so far it looks like it is going to be an exciting one. Is there anybooks you are looking out for this year?

Stay Safe,




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