
All thing Grisha!

I'm back and with some news! The Shadow and Bone trailer dropped last week and I am gobbsmaked. If you have not watched it yet click the link below to be blown away: HOLY COW! That is my only response.  Just...Wow. Okay, now I have had my moment, lets talk all things Grisha. In case you dont know, this netflix series is based on the Shadow and Bone Trilogy and the rest of the GrishaVerse as set out by Leigh Bardugo. There are quite a few novels in set in this world but each of them, like any, adds to the amazing world building.  Quick Overview: Shadow and Bone Trilogy  Shadow and Bone is the first novel in the trilogy, followed by  Siege and Storm and concluded by  Ruin and Rising. It follows orphan, Alina Starkov as she makes her way across the Fold (a place of darkness and nightmares) only to discover powers she didn't know she posessed. Alina and her power then becomes vital to defeating the Fold but she is not quite convinced by

New Year New Books!

 A very Happy Belated New Year!  Sorry for the late message but sadly covid has put a holt to somethings in my life at the moment but I am back! So I thought I would bring you my most Ancipated Books this year (even if some of them have already come out!). The books list below are the ones I am excited for! I understand there are more books coming out this year. Lets start with January....  A VOW SO BOLD AND DEADLY by Brigd Kemmer  yes this book has already come out and yes it is BLUMMMING amazing. It was worth the wait let me put it that way. A Vow so Bold and Deadly is the third and final book in the Cursebreakers Trilogy witten by Brigd Kemmer. It was released on 26th January 2021.  The series follows Harper, a girl from Washington DC, and she gets taken into Emberfall, a world away from her own, and she become their single last hope to break the curse held over thier Prince Rehn. The series is a MUST READ and is a beautiful Beauty and the Best retelling. would highly recomend prick

Book Review: Romanov

You have heard of the famous Romanov Family, Heirs to the Russian throne and killed by Bolshevik soldiers for the Communism rule. May I give you.... ROMANOV by Nadine Brandes I'm a junkie for historical books. No matter the period I am there ready to earn about something different and Nadine is very good a mixing historical non-fiction with fiction.  Warning there will be spoilers for both historically and the novel.  First, the book cover.... The cover actually gives away very little in this novel. It's uses the rich colours of red ad gold against the black background which looked at the Wealth of the Romanov family. A small figure is on the cover along with a beautiful image of the Alexander Palace in St Petersburg. The quote embodies the whole mystery surrounding the Romanov family: Not even royal blood can stop bullets. Characters The main characters are the Romanov Royal Family - Tsar Nicolas II, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna and their children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Alexei

Reading in May

Its the end of the month already! May has just gone so quickly. and now... we are SIX months into 2020. Holy cow. That is all I have to say on the matter. Back to reading. As May has flown by so quickly I thought I would give you an update of the books I have read this month. There has been such a wide range of books and even some rereads. Let me know if you have read any of these books or plan on in the future. 1. Again, but Better by Christine Riccio I did a full review, earlier this month on this book because there was just so much to say about it! if your interested please have a look. This novel follow Shane who is looking for a fresh start during a study abroad program in London. She wants to finally make friends and maybe even get a boyfriend, you never know. The hopes of anyone entering higher education if you ask me. This novel was a contemporary I was looking forward to but it left me with more questions than answers. All of them good questions. It was e

Bookish Boyfriends

Who do you want to be stuck in Quarantine with? So, that is the question of the century, would it be Kaz or Rowan, Draco or Hunt? This needs some serious thought! So I thought I would bring you: my bookish boyfriends (or the ones that I would definitely quarantine with). Honorable Mentions include: Hunt Athalar Dextro Arez Jacob Portman UNFORTUNATELY, they did not make into my top five but to me they are definatly worth mentioning. to me each of they have an amazing qualitly that I love. Is it to soon to say I live in a fantasy world. 5. PRINCE MAXON SCHREAVE  Prince Maxon from the Selection series is one of the kindest souls that I have ever encountered. He is so gentle and patient with America. His love of photography is amazing and I really hope that he would be patient if he ever tried to teach me. During the Selection, he is trying to find a wife out of the 35 girls that have been selected in a futuristic version of what used to be the US. He goes about it

What to do during Quarantine?

Not a lot, is the answer to your impending question. I mean, how many times can you read the same books, reorganize the same shelf and sit in front of your computer hoping that inspiration will strike. I feel like I have literally nothing to do but read and no matter how much I love it there comes a time where I start seeing words everywhere. Here are some obvious and not so obvious things to do during Quarantine: 1. Watch TV! Netflix has become my best friend since lock down, and for once I have no idea what to watch. I have taken to re-watching some of my favourite series from over the years. Here are some that I am watching: Once Upon a Time  If you hadn't guessed already, I'm a mad fantasy fan and to me OUaT always summed up being a fantasy lover. The stories you know and love are real, but the fairy tale creatures are trapped in a place without time until the saviour can break them free of the curse. I think this series is amazing and its been so exci

Book Review: Again, But Better

Welcome Back! Thanks for staying, as well! I have already blasted through one of my books on my TBR and it is... AGAIN BUT BETTER by Christine Riccio So, here is my honest review of the book.  Warning this will contain spoilers. I didn't go into this book thinking very much. I have been a BIG fan of Christine's since the early days. Here writing chronicles videos on her youtube, polandbanannabooks, are one the the amazing things that is encouraging me to continue writing. But seeing the finish product of those writing videos is amazing.  First, the book cover.... We have to talk about that book cover. First can I just point out how beautiful it is. I have the hard copy so underneath that dust jack is the most beautiful sparkling watermelon and it is brilliant.  I think that the cover really summarizes the book. The different block colours indicate towards the second chances that Shane gets in a subtle was which is nicely touched upon. Characters